
LOVE REVOLUTION is an art piece that draws inspiration from the captivating wall writings found in Arab streets. The concept revolves around a unique twist on the word «love,» where the letters are ingeniously reversed and displayed in striking red, while being surrounded by white letter-shaped LEDs forming the word «revolution.» This artistic choice serves as a symbolic nod to the influential role played by Facebook, emphasizing the significant increase in the use of the term «revolution,» both online and offline, during the year 2011.

«love revolution» aims to provide a thought-provoking framework that encapsulates the social context of the Arab revolution and establishes a connection between art and the collective desire for change. It acknowledges that the revolution initially began in the digital realm before manifesting in reality. 

By employing this creative composition, the artwork presents a captivating «play on words,» seamlessly blending the realm of possibilities with the tangible reality. The contrasting colors of red and white symbolize alternative sources of enlightenment, shining through the darkness and illuminating new perspectives.

Love Revolution, 2012, thermoformed plexiglas and LED bulbs, 230 x 45 cm, installation view from the "Spheres 2012" exhibition at Galleria Continua - Le Moulin